Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is the impact of enternet in education?

Nowadays there is so many students engage in Internet. Almost of them used Internet to games. Internet can help the students to make easier in doing their assignments like research. Unlike in scanning the books you spend more time. But on the other hand Internet can also make the students lazy in doing their assignments.

Internet is also one way to communicate other people. Specially the students who have relatives or parents in other country. They communicate their love one's through Internet. So even if they are far from each other through Internet they feel that they are near to each other. Therefore Internet has the most modified distribution of information. Internet also has been viewed as a revolutionary advance in technology with a greater impact on the students.


  1. ..,you have a wonderful post in your blog..i like the simplicity of it.

  2. ..yah! that's true that internet make the student lazy in doing their assignments,and it's true that internet is easier that scanning books.. "keep up the good work"
